What to Expect During a B.E.S.T. Treatment
B.E.S.T. is done with the client lying fully clothed, comfortably and relaxed on a treatment table. Applied kinesiology, muscle testing, is used to determine your body's priorities and specific needs. Different points are held on the body accordingly while you breathe intentionally, sometimes simultaneously thinking of a feeling or a number and looking in a certain direction. Your energy circuits within your body are reconnected and your systems come into balance, vibrant energy returns and your body can begin the process of healing itself and returning to ideal, natural health.
Though sometimes we are working to clear emotions and people or events that have been stressors, B.E.S.T. is not talk therapy and it is not necessary to delve into or even share any painful or personal stories from your past. It’s not necessary for the practitioner to even be aware of any specifics.
Distance Sessions with Remote B.E.S.T.
Energy knows no bounds and has no limits. If you're not able to experience a session in person, distance healing is just as effective. All of the benefits of B.E.S.T. can be experienced without us being in the same room or even on the same continent. Humans are the most sophisticated, complex computers out there and we have the ability to send information and intention in much the same way computers use wifi to communicate. You don't have to understand how you can be talking to someone and seeing a live video of them on your computer for it to work, even if you're separated by geography. Distance sessions don't require you to understand the process either, just be open to receiving.
How to Prepare For a B.E.S.T. Session
Before your arrival I encourage you to make two lists. The aim of these lists is to aid in finding the pattern that is affecting you so we can identify stressors that are short circuiting your energy and holding you back. The first list is significant experiences or memories that stand out in your life, both good and bad. The second list is important people throughout your life, people currently in your life and people you find yourself thinking of from time to time.
Don't overthink or edit your thoughts. If something/someone comes to mind, put them down. Try not to delve into the backstory mentally or emotionally as you make your list, just do train of thought or free flow writing. It's not necessary that I see your list or know any of the items you've written. The list is for your eyes only. You are welcome to use your own shorthand if you are afraid of anyone else seeing your list.
There is no limit to how many people or experiences you can include. It should be written in no particular order, then number each item from the top to the bottom, #1-however many, straight down the page. After you complete your lists, take pictures of them on your phone to help ensure you remember to have them with you at each session. You are welcome to continually add things/people as they come to mind.
After a B.E.S.T. Session
People often report feeling more grounded, relaxed, energized, with a greater sense of well being and less reactive to their usual triggers. Very occasionally one can feel briefly groggy or dazed as your system has just gotten a big update and you’re becoming accustomed to the feeling of energy flowing through your body in new ways. Follow the self care below for best results.
It’s important to drink a lot of water before and after a session and go slowly at first.
A short walk after a session is beneficial to integrate the work and new energy patterns. The walk is best done in contra-lateral movement, that is intentionally swinging the opposite hand and opposite leg forward at the same time as you walk. This helps energy flow through newly reconnected circuits.
Do the Morter March to help integrate and reset circuits and establish clarity in your nervous system.
Make note of how you feel going forward. Do you notice improvements in how you feel or how you interact with others?
How Many Sessions Should You Expect?
Every individual is on a different healing path and has different layers to work through. If you are someone who feels like they have a lot of health challenges or issues they would like to address, committing to coming regularly in the beginning can be the best way to feel progress. Committing to once or even twice a week, for multiple weeks in a row, is a good place to start. If you're someone with out many complaints who's looking to fine tune, then schedule as needed when you feel out of balance or have something you would like to work on. The number of sessions required will vary for each individual based on results, the establishment of good health and the desired outcome of goals both short and long term. After reaching your desired outcome, maintenance sessions are beneficial from time to time for lifelong benefits.
Session times can vary depending on what comes up as priorities for your unique body. The entire session is dictated through applied kinesiology, muscle testing, of your body in its infinite wisdom that sets the priorities for each session and knows how much your body can process.
B.E.S.T. Sessions $85
Package of 3 B.E.S.T. Sessions $240
Package of 6 B.E.S.T. Sessions $460
Refer 2 Friends who schedule initial sessions and mention your name, and receive 25% off one follow up session.
Cost should not be prohibitive or keep anyone from seeking care. If you feel like you qualify for a sliding scale fee BEST Healing Montana is happy to work out an arrangement with you, no questions asked.
BEST Healing Montana celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Everyone is welcome just as they are.